I am so tired it is unbelievable. Since Tuesday I've been first ADing 'On A Knife Edge' for a Masters student film from The International Film School Wales. We wrapped early today and I was home at 6pm after leaving at 7am, but Tuesday and Wedneday were 13 and 14 hour days. I've got another 7am start tomorrow and another Saturday.
The film is going quite well. I've not worked with the Red camera before and I'm quite impressed with it. Looking through the monitor it looks beautiful and I'm told that it can look even better on a higher quality screen.
As for my work - we are on schedule and getting the coverage, but we did miss a key shot yesterday. The director hasn't got a shot list to work from and so I'm having to ask how many shots we need from each scene as we shoot it and it is difficult to keep track.
I'm watching a film now and then it's early to bed.
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